Final composite rendering
Final composite rendering, Rendair raw image plus wall mural and sofa added as layers.
MYArchitectAI raw image; based on SketchUp image. This becomes the base image to run through Rendair. Rendair will add some more sparkle. This was the first and only result I got from MYArchitectAI; it was what I needed accuracy-wise.
Typical Rendair "image to render" mode result, having used the MYARchitectAI image as a base.
Rendair result using a reference image as well. I used this final image, but replaced the sofa with a more accurate sofa and added wall mural layer.
Sofa run by itself for more accuracy. This is the MYArchitectAI result (has changed quite a bit from the original overall base image).
SketchUp image
Jamf, Amsterdam - MYArchitectAI and Rendair

Rendering based on software developer Jamf, Amsterdam. Designed by Jamf Workplace and M Moser Associates.

SketchUp image processed first in MYArchitectAI for accuracy, then run through Rendair for more sparkle and reflections. In addition to the wall mural, the unusual sofa was run separately for more accuracy, as it was being represented as two chairs.

Very tricky to use the word "wood" in ai-powered rendering; I used it for the booth tables, and meaning only them. It was applied elsewhere and in a rough manner.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
fmh design
Commercial Interior Designer & Renderer San Diego, CA