Veras raw image. Nice moody look, which is very familiar to me, and which I like. Overall edges, delineation of objects a little fuzzy.
Veras raw image. Has great mood and shadows. It's a beautiful look. I think the edges of objects are a little fuzzy or mushy, undefined.
Visualizee raw image. Very nice realism.
Visualizee raw image, Scene 16. Has some superb realism however colors are often inaccurate.
MYArchitectAI raw image. Has nice mood, beautiful rendering of the Spacestor style large bookshelf piece on right.
MYArchitectAI raw image.
Midjourney "retexture tool" raw image. Good potential, but one problem is it has trouble rendering parts of scene off to the sides. Here it could not do much with the bookshelf in any results. The same thing happened in previous project with some colorful nooks on the left.
Midjourney retexture tool raw image. Has same problem with unsatisfactory presentation of bookshelf off to the side of the image. Note: these Midjourney renderings looked promising but I haven't been able to get results like this from program since; instead get stiff, sketch-like or illustration-like results; not sure why that is.
Sketchup image Scene 15
SketchUp image Scene 16
Four ai-powered renderers - Boston co-working space

I ran a few preliminary raw images of scenes from co-working space I've been modeling recently. Based on WeWork Boston location.

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Commercial Interior Designer & Renderer San Diego, CA