I ran Veras composite image (below) through the AITwo app (another ai-powered renderer) here; it helped add definition and texture to image; for instance, the sofa.
Preliminary original composite rendering based on Atlassian offices, processed in Veras web app, release 1.7
Sketchup image
Atlassian, Mountain View - Veras (and AITwo app)

Rendering based on offices of Atlassian, Mountain View, CA, designed by Cannon Design. Processed primarily in Veras web app, 1.7. The building envelope (without the furniture), improved when I rendered it separately; got some nice results that way. It was different with the furniture; those results seemed best when rendered with the entire scene (but the building envelope suffered).

I would still llke to see more realism, detail, texture, shine, in objects close to viewer. Results in Veras app 1.7 are soft, a little fuzzy or imprecise, lack definition. (Second image).

I then tried running the Veras composite rendering through AITwo app, another ai-powered renderer (top image) and that helped give definition to parts of the drawing, for instance the lounge. (I have also done the reverse of this in a previous project, run an AITwo rendering through the Veras app, also for better results.)

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
fmh design
Commercial Interior Designer & Renderer San Diego, CA