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Hand-in-Scan uses ultraviolet light, digital imaging and artificial intelligence software methods to distinguish sanitized versus infected areas after hand washing.
Hand-in-Scan’s wall-mounted design is sculpted by the aesthetics of simplicity and functionality. As a health tech product, Hand-in-Scan has to comply with hygiene and usability standards, thus the device must be easy to clean and robust enough to take thousands of scans every day.
In use:
Hand hygiene is performed with a UV-marked hand rub mix distributed from the dispenser. The solution appears brighter on surfaces sufficiently treated with the alcoholic disinfectant.
Pictures of the hands are taken in the UV-lighted box with integrated wide angled digital cameras.
Detailed results calculated by Hand-in-Scan are shown on the screen. All records are accessible later on the Hand-in-Scan’s reporting platform.
Hand-in-Scan is a patented technology. Tested for efficacy and ergonomics on over 15,000 healthcare workers.

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Flying Objects ...
Integrated design studio for product design and art direction Budapest, Hungary