Banco taii logo brand - brand logo designed by me, creative concept by creative director, FutureBrand Brazil 2004. This is Taii Bank, one of most importants popular banks of brazil.
mandinga design - logo creation just for fun. "mandinga" in portuguese is kind of santeria.
brand logo product bubbaloo aciloko - created for an acid um for brazilian market 2005.
brand logo KERO COCO - brand logo for a brazilian cocount water company. 2005
brand logo for a photographic studio - brand logo for a photographic studio specialized in family albuns. 2006
brand logo for a caricaricature artists crew - brand logo for a caricaricature artists crew 2005 - brazil
brand logo for a low cost lamps industry - 2006
logo arquiteta paisagista - brand logo for Paula assunção architect specialized in paisagism. 2004
Fernando Moralez
Fernando Moralez Sao Paulo, Brazil