Digital Portfolio Front/Back Cover - Design Spread done in Adobe InDesign of my Front and Back Cover of my Digital Portfolio
Motion Graphics Spread - A Design Spread with my 3D Max render done in Adobe InDesign and After Effects
Special Effects Spread - A Spread layout done in Adobe indesign with still shots of my Adobe After Effects MOV's
Business Card Design Front
Business Card Design Back
San Francisco Cleaning... Front
San Francisco Cleaning... Back
Latno USA Today Business Card Design... Front
Latno USA Today Business Card Design... Front
Maranatha Angels Invitation Design-Back
Maranatha Angels- Wanda Begay Invitation Design-Front
Maranatha Angels- Wanda Begay Invitation Design-Front
Design Spread Layouts

various design layouts I have done using Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, & Illustrator...

Full-time, Moonlighting
Alejandro Jake
Graphic Designer/Artist Alamo, NM