Weedmaster - Weedmaster, a robot powered by a methanol fuel cell, uproots weed autonomously. Main navigation is done via GPS. Using a digital image recognition system, the robot distinguishes between the plant being cultivated and weed. The weed is cut in an energy efficient way by a rotating tool. This makes precise weeding possible. To increase capacity for a large acreage, the farmer can use a network of several interacting robots. In designing the Weedmaster, special emphasis was put on creating a likeable shape as to ensure high acceptance of these autonomous machines among the general population. I made the model in a scale of 1/1. Graduation project, July 2003.
tempus circulus - Tempus circulus is a mechanical watch in the form of a ring, made of platinum and gold. Sapphire glass grants sight of the moving time-wheels. The embedded magnifying glass with its zero line defines the current time and facilitates the reading. The 2mm thick, tubular clockwork can be wound up through the outer ring. I made the model with stainless steel, brass and plexiglass. School project, December 2002.
Dispenser - Concept for a dispenser of artificial sweetener. Customer: Hermes Süssstoff AG, 2004
Wave - Wave is a plastic end cap for a bed frame. The end caps form a connection between spring element and lath, designed to hold in the matress. After sketching and model making, I constructed the final version in formZ. From this data the injection mold was built. Customer: DOC dream on comfort Ltd., 2003
Bed design concepts - Concepts for DOC dream on comfort Ltd., a Swiss matress and bed manufacturer. I designed and rendered the beds in formZ. Customer: DOC, 2004