Tweak cutlery set

Starting a cutlery design project is a cool chance to mix creativity with practicality. At the beginning of any design project, designers come up with ideas. They draw a lot, either on paper or using tablets. They use different tricks, like thinking from different angles or picking random words, to get new and clever ideas.
In this project, the creative journey began by randomly connecting the word "tweak" with cutlery. This mix became the basis for a special and unique cutlery design. It's a fun challenge for designers. "Tweak" is strong, warm, and good-looking, and gives the project a unique character.
Now, let's talk about the role of industrial design in creating products for our daily lives. Industrial designers play a big part in making things we use every day, like cutlery, better. They don't just think about how something looks; they also think about how it feels and how it fits into our lives.

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Freelance, Moonlighting
Farshid Sarmast
Industrial designer Hamilton, New Zealand