Perceive / Interpret : Pre-Instruction Drawings

To 'perceive' is to become aware of something. To perceive is to understand, to have a view on that particular object / subject. To 'interpret' is to put your understanding into words, to translate its meaning aloud.

For our Pre-Instruction Drawings, we did two drawings, each of 15 minutes. The first is a self-portrait which I looked at the mirror for references (perceive). The latter is a drawing from memory of someone who has a significance in your life (interpret). I preferred drawing from memory even though it was harder-- this is because it made me recall the delicate features of the person's features and actually thought of their little details, meanwhile there was too much to look at for the self-portrait, it ended up not looking like me.

As someone who draws a lot, I don't see (or I didn't use) the 'symbol system', or replacing facial features with simple shapes like ovals or circles, but I stuck with the realistic views instead.

11 AUG 16

Fahsai Intharak
Student Bangkok, Thailand