
Using the Oculus Rift in an experimental way, this game from the 2014 Global Game Jam is all about varying perception. It´s a local co-op game for two users playing tag in the woods. Whereas the player with the oculus on sees the world as a bright, child-like world with vibrant colors, the other player (which uses the computer screen) has a very different view: For him, the world is dark and grim, where flower pots become tomb stones...
But which perspective is the right one?

I co-created the game design and was responsible for the level design. The game was done with Unity and was very well recieved at our jam site, where everyone wanted to playtest it.

Heidenspaß (the name was inspired by the poem "Heidenröslein" by Goethe) is one of the works I am most proud of so far and it was an excellent training for making games with Unity.

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Freelance, Full-time
Fabian Fauser
Game Designer Bayreuth, Germany