fallen angel - the angel has been seduced by the devil
rubiks majik
buttons - buttons on your joypad? think again...
unlimited? - this is to highlight awareness about the situation of our fossil fuel situation, that supply is not forever...
mc2 - a submission for the "SEED" science competition. can you figure the puzzle?
hellgirls 1.0 - experimental but original character design
go green! - to promote 'go green' for a greener earth
JR - for the "Josh Ritter hearts Threadless" competition
yellow notes - imagine yourself wearing notes
the prince of the enchanted forest - for the "Josh Ritter hearts Threadless" competition. a forest shaped like an acoustic guitar
breakdance - music box
shirley - one of my first works drawing using a vector software
cupid - experimental but original character design of a cupid, his name unoffcially: Qpid. his target is heart shaped, and is similar to normal archery targets
hellpups boobs - hellpups 1.0 on their own since most of the better responses to hellgirls submission were pointing towards them
arctic comedy - one of my first works. was trying to convey comedy how arctic animals would even feel cold.
a little love... - if the world is shown a little bit more of love, then it could have been a better place...
love notes
the leaning of PISA - loose theory on the leaning of the tower of PISA ...
curlz - what if whales can curl their baleen?
put your head on my shoulder
knight's fav pastime - i was thinking about the knight. he could be a competitive pole vaulter during peaceful times
lift off! - maybe the olympic games for the knights?
misbehavin' kiddy monster tearing up a city got scolded by mummy monster
bats are 'blind' - bats are "blind" so i guess batman could use some help getting around?
ayu again
ayu - my first artwork using a vector software
panda's backside 1.0 - parody on how the WWF Panda would look like from the other side
panda's backside 2.0 - improved version. parody on how the WWF Panda would look like from the other side
gold fish with 24k
extraUNordinary studios
extraUNordinary Sarawak (borneo), Malaysia