Senior Beginning Furniture Studio - The objective of this design studio, was to create a furniture piece utilizing either bending birch plywood or laminated hardwoods. I began this project by researching historical uses of bending birch, and molded plywood furniture. As this type of furniture manufacture was originally designed for mass production, and was the perfect blend of form and function that is modernism, I too felt that this piece should be designed with those characteristics in mind.
IDSA Wireless Universal Access Student Design Competition - The objective of this design studio/ competition, was to design a Universal Access, wireless, communication device, which would anticipate the next step in wireless communication technology. I endeavored to develop a communication system, which would facilitate communication in the family, while addressing several limitations in the Universal Design of current technology.
Jansport Sponsored Mini-Studio - The objective of this design mini-studio, was to deliver multiple concepts for Jansport’s “Airlift II” product line, which would provide revolutionary comfort and load transfer. Designs would also target 15-19 yr old high-school students, with a focus on what Jansport’s marketing research defined as cultured-rebels and athletic-achievers. This project yielded me the opportunity to expand on our sponsor’s data by conducting my own field and market research in order to hone my design direction.
Polaris Sponsored Gen-X Snowmobile - The objective of this design studio was to design a snowmobile targeting Gen-X with feasible technology available in the year 2005. After identifying limitations in current sleds, and conducting market research on X, I created this Sno-Ped Design. It addresses several important criteria to X, including smaller size package for easier transport, and allowing for a more environmentally friendly design. Its extreme aesthetic and riding positions would also appeal to X’s winter sporting pursuits.
Human Powered Vehicle Design Studio - The objective of this design studio was to design a human powered vehicle, which would utilize feasible technology available in the year 2015. My research revealed that although recumbents are among the most efficient, ergonomically correct, disability accessible, bikes available today, little attention is paid to their design. So I attempted to make the recumbent desirable, by improving its design, thereby providing all bicycle enthusiasts with a viable alternative.