Blue Foam Zippo - This is a Zippo made exactly 10x its original dimensions out of blue foam. This piece was made with Matt Demeo.
Spinning Lights - This was a project I did Sophomore year. We had to create a light source. I went down the path of designing a light for children to play with. This was the result I ended up with.
Spinning Lights - This was a project I did Sophomore year. We had to create a light source. I went down the path of designing a light for children to play with. This was the result I ended up with.
Spinning Lights - Not a very good photo, but it is the idea behind the stack-ability of the lights.
Wiring of the Light - Here you can see the wiring that went into the spinning lights.
Wallace & Gromit Toaster - This is a toaster I designed for Wallace from Wallace & Gromit to use. The toast not only holds the entire loaf, but it cuts off a slice for him, then toasts it and drops it onto the plate below. At that point Wallace has to decide whether he wants strawberry or grape jam on his toast. The robot squirts the desired flavor on the toast, then proceeds to walk away. This piece is made out of RenShape
Wallace & Gromit Toaster rendering - This is a rendering of the toaster that I made in photoshop.
Remotes - Made in Adobe Photoshop
Cleats - Cleats rendered in photoshop
WIT 2009-2010
Evan Katz
Student Boston, MA