Venus Flytrap puppet - mid-build. Materials: foam and fabric
Venus flytrap puppet - as seen onstage
Ghost of Christmas Past mid-build. Materials: hiking backpack frame, hockey chest padding, foam, fabric, fibreglass rods, steel, wire and tape. Photo by Mike Deal, featuring costume designer Judith Bowden and actress Lindsay Johnson
Ghost of Christmas Past - as seen onstage. Photo by Mike Deal
Box Puppets for Avenue Q - built from cardboard, fishing line, elastic bands, balsa wood, felt
Box puppets in action
Bee puppet, side view - built from fleece, velvet, cellophane, pipe cleaners, doll stuffing, pom poms
Bee puppet, front view - built from fleece, velvet, cellophane, pipe cleaners, doll stuffing, pom poms
Butterfly puppet, with process - built from foam core, dyed fabric, fun fur, pine, dowels, pipe cleaners, pom poms
Marching ants puppet - built from foam core, pine, and string
All puppets as used in Frog and Toad at Neptune Theatre