Our research led us to detect 11 problem spaces.
Establishing relationships between different problem spaces we delimited two areas of opportunity. One was structured around flexibility in the workplace and how to increase this social relationships with peers become more complex. The second area of opportunity revolved around external assessment as an essential element to connect the remuneration, personal and professional development and our personal value.
Personas's Journey.
Service's Journey.
Persona, Jose.
Personas, Silvia.
Service's Concept.
Business model canvas.
Map of stakeholders.
Our final proposal for Sage was "I Am", a web platform with which companies can build teams considering internal and external talent, and where workers have a showcase to show the world their personal talent.
David, in depth interview.
Helena, in depth interview.
Osvaldo, in depth interview.
Pablo, in depth interview.
Jorge, in depth interview.
Pepe, in depth interview.
Fernando, in depth interview.
Fernando, in depth interview.
Piemonte, in depth interview.
Mercedes, in depth interview.
Ragnar, in depth interview.
Toño, in depth interview.
Rafa, in depth interview.
I Am

I Am is our project for Sage.

Our challenge was to find a space of opportunity in the world of work.

After investigation we do decided to focus on finding and managing talent by companies and their relationship with the freelancer.

Eva Giménez Molina
UX designer Madrid, Spain