Kaliedoscope - Kaliedoscope: different colours, different shapes...each view is defferent from the previous one. That is how life is... This mosaic starts with a photograph of childhood and ends at a tombstone. (Original size: 20 pieces of tiles measuring 8"X6" each)
My Plan for Exhibition - As a part of an exercise in curating an exhibition, we were asked to make a rough plan of the ehibition in a given space that is called aquarium because of its glass walls on all four sides. This was my plan keeping in mind the audio-visual exhibits, the prints and the panoramic view (Ruta had that kind of exhibit). the curves are supposed to be wooden partition with monodirectional speakers.
My Exhibit :Kaliedoscope - Kaliedoscope consisted of a looped Flash movie (in the foreground) and Prints hung in mosaic form (in background). This is called the Kaliedoscope because it is a collection of photographs that shows different aspects of life in different situations.
past-future - This is my perception of life. Half of the canvas shows past, ie. gone, another half shows future that is coming and standing at the point from where we see both is the present. It also shows coming and going of the phases of life.
New Media Arts
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Eva ...
Eva Sydney, Australia