Thonet Chair | Project 1
Thonet Chair | Project 1
Thonet Chair | Project 1
The Wave Chair | Project 2 This chair was created to serve as a means for intimate conversation while enjoying the elements. The chair was created utilizing only 3 separate jigs cut down to create a rotating wave shape.
The Wave Chair | Project 2
The Wave Chair | Project 2
Clamping the steamed wood pieces down to the CNC routed jigs to create a series of identical pieces which go into creating the overall forms of the furniture.
Digital Fabrication | UM Graduate Studies

During the Spring 2010 option course, Digital Fabricaiton, techniques in the
integration of steambending and digital technologies were explored in the creation
of object scaled makings. The first project was to use digital methodologies to
create a chair, utitlizing both the CNC router and water jet cutters. Explorations
into new fabrication programs and toolsets helped to inform the design of the
chair as well as the physical limitations of steambending wood sucessfully. The
second project was to go a step further and create a more complex design ,
resulting in the wave swing that creates intimacy for conversation among its users.

Erica Ulin,...
Architect Northville, MI