Einstein Learning Cafe

The issue of seat hoarding in coffee joints & fastfood restaurants by students who 'mug' has caused frustration & irritation among patrons who walk into cafes, unable to find seats. Students respond by defending that they do not have proper spots, conducive to study in, with the exception of the library which is always packed & do not have room for noise (discussion).

'Einstein Learning Cafe' is a proposal for a study cum cafe space in a community centre. The concept of the space is based on 'study pods' which aim to provide conducive, individual, spaces that block out visual distractions in the space. There is a bookstore & Garden for relaxation or breaks. Structural Pods were used to form visual tension within the two storeys, giving the user a sense of visually open yet bounded space.

It is a non-profit, mission driven project, by the community centre. It creates a space for students to study & for the staff of the community centre, a place for light snacks and a coffee break.

Esther Sun
Singapore, Singapore