Accessible Split Block Design for Haiti Community
Private Split Block Design for Haiti Community
Agricultural Block Design for Haiti Community
This is a Vision Document for a school my team and I worked on over a very brief period of time, to help with funding the project. The site is located in Carrefour, Haiti just to the west of Port-a-Prince. ( It is a multi-page pdf in two parts and for some reason google docs cuts it off so you need to click the download original to see the whole thing)
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This is the second half of a Vision Document for a school my team and I worked on over a very brief period of time, to help with funding the project. The site is located in Carrefour, Haiti just to the west of Port-a-Prince. ( It is a multi-page pdf in two parts and for some reason google docs cuts it off so you need to click the download original to see the whole thing)
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In the Spring of 2011, I traveled to Haiti with 5 other University of Minnesota Graduate Students in Architecture and our Professor to work with Architecture for Humanity in their Haiti Office in Petionville. These are some of the projects I worked on while there.

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Freelance, Moonlighting
Emerson Stepp
Student at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Minneapolis, MN