Target Moodboard - My target users will be those from the upper class. The overall design should not be too messy, easy to maintain and have a unique classy taste.

Product Moodboard - My product must be something that is clear and comes in a variety range of colours. Have to look classy and clean, with the use of crystal soil for planting.

Competitor Moodboard - Bearing in mind what my competitors have and avoid their mistakes. Messy planting is to be avoided as much as possible.

Detailing of Product - Choosing of suitable materials for furniture, making it as versatile as possible. (indoor/outdoor usage)

Marketing Board - The overall product I came up with - a daybed where it can be joined to form a circular daybed when 2 sofa is combined together. Pots can be slotted in for vertical planting and beautify the environment.

Stand Information Board - Stands that hang like wine glasses, again highlighted on high-class theme. It is expandable from a short stand to a long one which hangs from ceiling to the ground, allowing more pots to be displayed. It can further be used as a wall divider as well.

Furniture Information Board - The sofa as a whole, with cushion suitable for outdoors.