The above ground box provides the spy with a view of the surrounding area, allowing him to see any and all incoming visitors. Inside, the space is carefully constructed to make maximum use of the small area. A shelf of books doubles as a door, stairs connecting the upper and lower box are also storage drawers. Even the bathroom unit is a combined toilet, shower, and sink in one.
Box Living

The assignment was to create a living space out of boxes defined by a word, a material and an architect.
Word: Provocateur
Material: Recycled Wood
Architect: Maya Lin
Site: Patuxent State Park
The word provocateur led to thoughts of 007 and subterfuge, and as a result, the box space was developed to house a spy. While one of the boxes is partly above ground, the other is fully underground, thus misleading visitors, as they initially see a space that is outwardly very small. This set up allows the spy to maintain a concealed life beneath the surface of the earth.
The boxes are made of recycled wood, in keeping with the assigned material, and Maya Lin’s curving architecture heavily influences the curved driveway leading to the box housing. As the drive snakes in and out between hillocks, visitors are unsure of exactly where they are going, even driving through above ground wood tunnels that further obstruct their view. The spy therefore has the utmost privacy.

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Elizabeth Rosendorf
Rockville, MD