I was given a Palm Tree inspiration photo found by our VP and told to turn it into a pedestal set for the next meeting. This is the original illustrator file I created. They approved the design and gave me permission to expand on it with the technical design for the manufacturer.
In the technical work I was only allowed a certain number of leaves and pieces due to manufacturing costs. I updated the design and made sure with the restrictions to still keep the modern organic shape of the palm.
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Sea Urchin Drop In for MINI candles. Technical drawing.
Manufactured ceramic model
Manufactured ceramic model
Was given the original pattern design and asked to created a trio sleeve with a curved pedestal. The math and visual layout of the pedestal curve in the technical drawing was my work in this project.
MINI Trio Pedestal, manufactured model.
MINI Trio Pedestal, manufactured model.
Original technical drawing for poolside tray given to me with request for a to scale model with subtle handle changes.
Poolside tray, physical model requested to test size and handle comfort.
Poolside tray, physical model requested to test size and handle comfort.
Sketch idea for a mini ceramic candle holder.
Bath and Body - Spring

These are brainstorm ideas for the Bath and Body Holiday product line; Including technical drawings, 3d models, and artwork through adobe Illustrator.

Erin Mead
Product Designer Brooklyn, NY