Designing for Penelope and James. Two ex-lovers in their 20's, sharing 55square metres. Despite their small space they can still live together separately...
The Apartment - Their private space runs along either side of the apartment, with individual entrances under their sleeping capsules, separate showers, storage, work area's and access to the balcony. They share the main kitchen and eating area, toilet, and lounge area for watching dvd's on their projector screen.
Penelope and James each have one half of the Utility Pod to display their goods. They share the couch space below and enjoy watching film's together on the projector screen that rolls down from the ceiling.
James and Penelope share the kitchen, with one half each for storage and a view that looks out onto their balcony and beyond.
The Apartment Lobby- - The Apartment Lobby is also designed to provide space for social interaction while allowing personal space for the residents who just want somewhere to relax and enjoy the views other than their apartments.
The Apartment
Erin MacGillivray
Elements of a Generous Design Melbourne, Australia