Lorenzo - when you push this piece forward the wheels turn and the legs pedal. Materials: brass, copper, glass, fabric, plaster
Stranglings - The fish is a altered taxidermy parrot fish. Materials: brass, copper, fabric, plaster
Fish Cart
Cornellious - The top propeller was designed to be self turning because it was powered by a battery pack contained in the copper chamber beneath it. Materials: brass, copper, fabric, wood, plaster, glass
Borrick - This is part of a line of garden sculptures i created for a side business called tree spirit art. to learn more go to treespiritsart.com
Morty - A woodland creature. material: woodfill and resin. perfect to hand outdoors or indoors.
to learn more go to treespiritsart.com
Ornament - this is perfect to hang on your Christmas tree or any place else. it is made of resin.
to learn more and purchase this piece go to treespiritsart.com
Creature - This lion, goat hybird also comes in fall colors (red, orange, yellow). to learn more go to treespiritsart.com
English nut - this was created using a real walnut, a mold was taken and the final product is cast in resin. To check out more of these woodland creations go to treespiritsart.com
This is part of a series of woodland creatures i designed, molded and cast. To lean more about this product line visit treespiritsart.com
fish face - created out bass wood and magic sculpt
fish face - created out bass wood and magic sculpt