Photographs of the front and back covers, respectively
The first (introductory) spread, explaining what the book is about and what I sought to accomplish.
Spread about Bouldering, a form of climbing that foregoes ropes for pads on these short climbs.
Spread about Top Roping, in which a partner prevents the climber from falling via a rope from above.
Spread about Sport/Lead climbing, in which a partner prevents the climber from falling via a rope from below.
Spread about traditional climbing, in which the lead climber must place protective gear for securing their rope during the climb
Spread about Aid Climbing, in which the climber uses the protective gear they've placed to directly
Spread about Big Wall climbing, in which climbers perform extremely long, vertical climbs over a span of multiple days.
Spread about Soloing, a form of climbing technically similar to bouldering (i.e., without protection), but usually conducted at very dangerous heights.
"Chalking Up" Visual Concept Book

This book was designed to ascend you through the different levels and types of rock climbing. I presented them in a necessarily subjective order, starting with the most approachable types of climbing and completing with the most advanced. Rock climbing is one of the most diverse sports in the world, and so the purpose of this book is to introduce the reader to the many variations of rock climbing. Through this exposure I hopes to both educate and excite the reader, who previously knew little or nothing about the sport.
I encourage you to take a look at my design journal under "Process Imagery" for an inside look at some of the work led to the final book you see above!
Images were edited with Photoshop, graphics were created in Illustrator, and the layout and text were done in Indesign.

For process imagery from the project, please visit my website!

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Erik Shewan
Product Designer, Engineer, CAD guy Queens, NY