I AM THE THIRD Identity - Logo for up and coming singer/songwriter/visionary Alec Stephens III
Logo Design - Snack Overload
GLO Graphics Standards Manual - Samples from a product line I was asked to create and design. Samples include logos, color and typeface treatments, labels, ads and web pages, stationary and leave behinds, book layout etc.
GLO Graphics Standards Manual - Samples from a product line I was asked to create and design. Samples include logos, color and typeface treatments, labels, ads and web pages, stationary and leave behinds, book layout etc.
GLO Graphics Standards Manual - Samples from a product line I was asked to create and design. Samples include logos, color and typeface treatments, labels, ads and web pages, stationary and leave behinds, book layout etc.
GLO Graphics Standards Manual - Samples from a product line I was asked to create and design. Samples include logos, color and typeface treatments, labels, ads and web pages, stationary and leave behinds, book layout etc.
Environmental Advertisements/ Website - Three piece advertisement reads as a series to promote GLO products. To be posted in underground subway stations, always together as a set. Web pages include splash page with main logo, home page, product, about, contact, location and ads page all including information about our products, mission etc.
National High School Mock Trial Championship (2011) - Design and create a logo for the 2011 High School Mock Trial Championship to be held in Phoenix, Arizona.
Business Card/Company Banner
Self Promotion - Stationary includes letterhead, business card and envelope exposing graphics elements relating directly to product line. Leave behinds include color key chain bottle openers and an assortment of colored beach towels to further reach out to the target audience. Assignment for Media Design.
Erik Meier
Media/Graphic/Layout Design Brooklyn, NY