Over the period of three months, I conducted a motivation experiment with myself. I worked through a series of activities, all chosen to be repetitive, seemingly mindless, and endless. I worked for several hours a day, every day, in silence and solitude. I wanted to become more aware of what motivates me to continue doing something so lacking in progress, and in doing so, I began to discover the wonderful relationship between myself and the products of my work. Mixed media 2010
Poplar block, hit with the corner of a steel ruler.
Poplar block, stabbed with an awl.
Coats of polyurethane applied to poplar.
Polished cedar log.
Polished stainless steel ruler.
Post-It Notes glued together.
Wax beads pressed together.
Sea sponge, tips painted with acrylic paint.
Transcribed random Wikipedia articles, each word is spelled backwards.
Things collected in jars.
