Final header image
Half page final image
Spot final image
Relatively final header line work
Header thumbnail - You can see that almost the entire concept worked through to the final image
Relatively final half page line work
Half page thumbnail - Again the concept remained mostly unchanged other than finding the robot's style and opting to show more of the body
Spot final line work
Spot thumbnail
The Future is Steel

A student project to produce a header, spot and half page image from a current news article, mine being one that focused on the future of robotics and artificial intelligence. The goal was to create 3 cohesive images with the header presenting an overall "attention getter" for the article while the spot and half page images complemented the interior of the article with content based references.

These were done in more of a vintage propaganda style because I believe the subject is one that would be very polarizing and would inspire both fear and hope.

And since movies have taught me everything...this will probably end in fear.

Pencils, Adobe Photoshop CS5

Eric Warren
Illustrator at Floyd County Productions Atlanta, GA