Left spread from my portfolio and MA Final Project presentation, revealing a little of the character's evolution and story.
Righ spread from my portfolio and MA Final Project presentation, continuing the evolution of the character through redesigns and final pencils.
Original character designs for Cadillac. These were from a previous class where very little of the story, and no other characters had been developed. Time spent on this was minimal by comparison.
Original full illustration for the Cadillac universe. Again, for a previous class with considerably less time spent on it than from my Final Project class.
Expression sheet for Cadillac. Something I had never done before but was required for the earlier project involving the character. This helped me really understand how to build the character's head, keep him on model and have him emote in an easily recognizable way.
Rough concept for Cadillac's ride "The Baked Potato"
Cadillac.Avalanche: Cadillac

"cadillac.avalanche: troubled young, tech savvy, street racing hero"

A character from my Final Project class during my Master's program last year at SCAD. It's been a back-burner project since then and I'm not even sure the concept is the same anymore so I won't waste your time with details to something that may not even exist anymore...so just look at the perty pictures.

My goal for the class was to become better at Character Design, to develop a group of characters that appear to exist in the same world while being visually diverse and interesting.

These are ripped straight from my portfolio layouts, which keeps the info concise and side by side to show progression. It's not as detailed as the actual process throughout the class, but I did only have 9 weeks or so to create and complete 6 original characters.

Pencils (Adobe Photoshop CS5 was only used for presentation purposes)

Eric Warren
Illustrator at Floyd County Productions Atlanta, GA