Tricycle - Orthogonal view
Tricycle - Orthogonal view - Modelled in Alias StudioTools and edited in Adobe PhotoShop
Tricycle - Racing Environment - Modelled in Alias StudioTools and edited in Adobe PhotoShop
Mobile/Multimedia Player - Modelled in Alias StudioTools and edited in Adobe PhotoShop
Mobile/Multimedia Player
Mobile/Multimedia Player
Boat - A:Root, Side view - Crossing between tender and utilitarian boat..
Boat - A:Root, Top view - Crossing between tender and utilitarian boat..
Portable boat motor - With a garden trimmer motor as base my task was to design a light weight, reliable, portable boat motor and present a report that would serve as basis for building a prototype.
Portable boat motor - Early design sketch , detail component design - With a garden trimmer motor as base my task was to design a light weight, reliable, portable boat motor and present a report that would serve as basis for building a prototype.
Portable boat motor - Side View - With a garden trimmer motor as base my task was to design a light weight, reliable, portable boat motor and present a report that would serve as basis for building a prototype.
Ski Glove - Design - Summer project together with T. FORSZPAN, R. GULLANDER, T. MARTIKAINEN, E. TENGSTRAND
Ski Glove - Graphic - Summer project together with T. FORSZPAN, R. GULLANDER, T. MARTIKAINEN, E. TENGSTRAND
Ski Glove - Pattern - Summer project together with T. FORSZPAN, R. GULLANDER, T. MARTIKAINEN, E. TENGSTRAND
Sauna Unit - Sketches, Scale models - PajalaSauna: University Project together with... - Peter Dahlberg - Charlotte Jahkel - Olof Johansson
Sauna Unit - Full-scale Prototype - PajalaSauna: University Project together with... - Peter Dahlberg - Charlotte Jahkel - Olof Johansson
Student magazine - Front Page - Student union information magazine for newly enrolled students. Graphic designer and managing editor. PROJECT GROUP: GABRIELLA HAWRANEK, ERIC TENGSTRAND
Student magazine - Spread - Student union information magazine for newly enrolled students. Graphic designer and managing editor. PROJECT GROUP: GABRIELLA HAWRANEK, ERIC TENGSTRAND