Grandfather Relic | Eric Chiang | Wall Lamp | Walnut, Steel, LED Lighting \\ The contemporary age of material abundance has coincided with a peak in the need for conceptual and spiritual fulfillment. In a time of plentiful and replaceable manufactured objects in North American culture, the generational passing-down of meaningful items experiences a modern reprisal in an updated imagination of the grandfather clock. In the age of digital dominance the implications of time surpasses the physical representation. The Grandfather Relic represents a timeless concept of an eternal object to survive our quick-moving temporary era.
The Riverlot 5 exhibit was titled after the land lot that the University of Alberta occupies in Edmonton.
The exhibit featured pieces belonging to one of three themes. Texture, Space (Yes, Outer Space), and Structure.
Grandfather Relic Wall Lamp at Interior Design Show Toronto

Wall Lamp //2013

A student-initiated project by the Industrial Design students at the University of Alberta to showcase furniture design prototype works at IDS Toronto. Many months of extracurricular design work, coordination, fundraising, set design, and logistical planning made the event a success.

In addition to being a part of the Riverlot 5 team in preparation for the event Eric Chiang's designed prototype contribution of the Grandfather Relic wall lamp embodies the antique elements of a grandfather clock. These iconic heirlooms typically passed down from generation to generation is updated in contemporary form, with a revived function in an age of digital dominance. The piece was constructed with walnut hard wood, steel supports and LED lighting.

The hard work of over 20 students resulted in an impressive endeavor to exhibit work at Canada's largest interior design trade show to an international audience.