genEricaNY Single-Strap Backpack - Self-closing small backpack with adjustable strap, interior and exterior pockets.
genEricaNY Single-Strap Backpack - Self-closing small backpack with adjustable strap, interior and exterior pockets.
genEricaNY Single-Strap Backpack - Self-closing small backpack with adjustable strap, interior and exterior pockets. This image shows the bag inside out.
genEricaNY Thai Satchel - These reversible bags close by pulling the handle through the leather strap.
genEricaNY Thai Satchel - These reversible bags close by pulling the handle through the leather strap.
genEricaNY Accordion - Promotional images of my unique line of handbags.
genEricaNY Accordion - Promotional images of my unique line of handbags.
genEricaNY Daughter Judy - Crafted from vintage leather, this unique bag was inspired by the Jetsons.
genEricaNY Princess Em - Promotional images of my unique line of handbags. All photos and photo editing by me.
genEricaNY Princess Em - Promotional images of my unique line of handbags. All photos and photo editing by me.
genEricaNY Princess Em - Promotional images of my unique line of handbags. All photos and photo editing by me.
genEricaNY Single-Strap Backpack - Promotional images of my unique line of handbags. All photos and photo editing by me.
genEricaNY Notebook Tote - Promotional images of my unique line of handbags. All photos and photo editing by me.
genEricaNY Overlap - Promotional images of my unique line of handbags.
genEricaNY Handbags

Designed, developed, and fabricated a line of unique handbags made from upholstery remnants.