Scale concept sketch designed and drawn by Erica, based on a suggestion by Chris Large to use the chair from the Endless Hallway in Disneyland's Haunted Mansion as inspiration.
Chair was built (plywood, Gorilla glue, insulation foam, and muslin) and had initial painting done by Erica, Chris Large, and Jane Wolcott, with help from fellow cast members. Paint colors chosen/mixed by Erica and Madeleine Graham.
Final test with actor (Richard Copperwaite as Sir Ruthven Murgatroyd). Chair is over-sized to help the character look out of place in his new home for Act II.
Final chair, with painting and cushion details added by Erica and Amanda Robertson. (The photo was taken backstage so the lighting is a little off.)
Final chair on stage during a performance. Features Richard Copperwaite as Sir Ruthven Murgatroyd, with his costume designed by Rachel Whalon. Photo by Raen Payne.
Ruddigore Chair

Chair designed and built for the Stanford Savoyards' 2012 production of Gilbert & Sullivan's Ruddigore. Erica's roles in the production were Set Designer, Properties Designer, Technical Director, Build Chief, and Women's Chorus cast member.

Erica McCay
Experience Designer Orlando, FL