Photo credit: Robert A. Kovatch, designer

Emerald City set, incomplete

Munchkinland set, incomplete

Munchkinland elements

Poppy drop in progress

Poppy drop in progress

Poppy drop detail

Signs in progress

Munchkinland sign

Dorothy's house

Emerald City detail

Emerald City detail

Emerald City detail

Emerald City detail

2-sided translucent portal legs (3 sets of 2)

2-sided translucent portal legs (3 sets of 2)

Kansas barn

Kansas doors, etc

Kansas chimney

Stage: Yellow Brick Road

Emerald City, boasting several pounds of opalescent glitter




Stone Witch steps

Stone Witch steps

Castle elements

I'd Turn Back If I Were You!

Emerald City header- includes several more pounds of glitter!
