SITE ANALYSIS The site is located in Bagan Lalang, Malaysia. Bagan Lalang, a beach destination near Sungai Pelek town in Sepang district. Sepang Gold Coast integrated resort development has transformed the area into holiday retreat. Golden Palm Tree sea villas the first of a series luxury hotel and apartment project at there.
CIVIC NARRATIVE Civic of the design is about the biker around the bagan lalang beach. The biker usually cycle along the road and they sitting on some bench along the road chatting with other biker. The site doesn’t provide any bike parking which cause the biker feel unsecure to leave their bike.
CIVIC NARRATIVE Looking at some constraint of the site, the design is to overcome the weakness so that the biker could go to beach and have water playing freely. Hence, it provides bike parking and cycling lanes for the biker. Meanwhile, the pool is placed on the centre of the canopy which give secure feel to the bikers.
CIVIC NARRATIVE [P1] Bike parking is placed at the side of the pool, so the visitor could still keep eyes on their bike. [P2] The light and shadow that creates by horizontal framing shows the biker fast speed. In this area, visitor could have their meal, chit-chat, relaxing and enjoy the view.
TECHNIC Technic of the design is derived from the crab pattern spread along the shore. Crab making the sand balls when digging down the sand. Magnifying the pattern, there is a flow from loose sandballs to very compact sandballs surrounded the holes.
TECHNIC The design of the project will use the brick to define the spaces using the crab pattern. Canopy is a from of vault construction (timbrel vault). Timber vault is not rely on gravity but on adhesive of several layer of overlapping tiles woven together with fast setting mortar.
TECHNIC [P1] Entrance coloured by natural light penetrates through the hollow brick. [P2] Space planning of the project influenced by the nature light. More sheltered the space, more private it is. Front canopy being used as dining area. [P3] Back Canopy being used as cooking area which facing to the trees area,so that the smoke from cooking could directly go out from the canopy
POETIC Poetic of the design is about the journey from the pathway to the beach. It experienced from the beach view that framed by the tree branches. In a way, it attracts people to go to the water. On the contrary, when enter the trees zone, the beach sense is being replaced by the wind penetrates between the trees.Along the trees exploration, it ends to an open beach.
POETIC Deriving that experience, the journey begins with the extension pathway from the existing one. The pathway is covered by the fully timber frame stacked with other frames and it appears to going loose and loose frames. At the end of the canopy, there is a pool without any frame structure.
POETIC [P1] Slits between the fully framed portal leads passer by to come in. [P2] Loosing framed give visitor a moment to enjoy the breeze. Outside the framed surround by the pool. [P3] Visitor could enjoy their dining while sitting down and having a view coloured by some water ripple reflections from the pool outside [P4] Visitor could enjoy their dining while sitting down and having a view coloured by some water ripple reflections from the pool outside

Three projects of small pool & canopy reflects to three school of thoughts.

Erica Ivonny Tek
Designer Medan, Indonesia