Physical trachea model created using SLA pattern and modified urethane casting technique.
Edited model involved shrinkwap of orginal 3D model, scaling and then hollowing to create a trache model with true void space and wall thickness. Model was saved in STL format for rapid prototyping.
Original model prior to 3D editing. Model as shown represents void space in trachea.
Trachea Model

The trachea or windpipe is the tube that connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs. This project involved taking a 3D model of a trachea in STL format and re-processing the file to hollow, shrinkwrap, and simplify for prototyping. Then the revised 3D file was used to create a pattern for soft tooling. A modified soft tooling approach was used to create the physical part in a castable urethane. The purpose of the project was to create as true as possible replica so that the client could better evaluate the fit of their custom trachea device to the contours of a life-like trachea model.