Reconstruction with metal fitler applied in 3D that digitally removed the metal plate and pins that were put in place in the original surgery.
Yellow "pegs" were added to 3D model for rapid prototyping purposes. Because proper alignment was a concern, the model and the mirrored version needed to be fixed in space for the physical prototyped version. That was accomplished by adding these features to the digital model prior to to prototyping.
Surgical Planning

3D reconstructions were created from medical scan data from both left and right arms. This was post surgical repair of a fracture. Scan data from the uninjured arm was mirrored and the digital 3D model was re-constructed. This was compared in CAD to the 3D reconstruction of the "healed" bones. Comparision of the curvature of the healed injured region with the mirrored bone structure was used by the surgical team to plan the follow-up reconstruction surgery. 3D rapid prototype models were also created.