Motion Blur, 2014 This was shot in RAW. Exposure: 1 sec, f/22, ISO 100
Motion Blur With Panning, 2014 This was shot in RAW, Exposure: 1 sec, f/32, ISO 100
Motion Blur with Pop Flash, 2014 This was shot in RAW. exposure: 4 sec, f/16, ISO 100
Multi-motion, 2014 This was shot as a JPEG. Camera info: 1/250 sec., f/8,ISO 720
Motion Blur Formative

Motion Blur: The streaking of rapidly moving objects that occurs when the image changes within a single frame.
When photographing this series, I learned more about my camera and its capabilities, and how certain lighting, shutter speeds, etc. can have a dramatic impact on a photo. I also realized when shooting that these projects require a certain amount of skill in maneuvering the camera ( panning, getting the exact f stop and aperture) as well as "constructing" the scene and instructing the subjects.
My favorite was the multi motion. Getting a "good" shot was less tedious than for the other projects, and the end result allowed you to really analyze the facial expressions and body positions of someone in motion.
My least favorite was the motion blur with panning. Not only was it more difficult to capture, but the end result isn't as aesthetically pleasing as it would be with a steady camera and more experience.

Emma Zahner
Student Photographer Sparta Township, NJ