Lights, 2015 1/20 sec. f/1.8 ISO 400
Jar with Film Sprockets, 2015 1/20 sec. f/ 1.8 ISO 400
Freya, 2015 1/60 sec. ISO 800 f/3 I photographed this at around 7:45 in the evening.
Mystery, 2015 f/10 1.3 sec. ISO 100 I adjusted the levels of contrast/highlight in the photo and burned the subject slightly.
Lake Mohawk, 2015 I burned the mountains a bit and adjusted the vibrance and brightness.
In Sunlight and in Shadow, 2015 f/8 1/250 sec. ISO 100 This is the photoshopped golden hour. In comparison with the other golden hour, I think it looks a little too "forced." The flame looks fake and it was frustrating trying to work my way around the vague instructions in the worksheet. Nothing beats being in the actual moment with the perfect lighting and atmosphere.
Light Effects

My favorite lighting effect was was the bokeh. I loved how easy it was to take the photo and get such a good result. It required little photoshop. My least favorite to take was the golden hour. It didn't turn out as pretty as I expected and required a lot of photoshop.

Emma Zahner
Student Photographer Sparta Township, NJ