In Oz, 2014 Adelina had always heard stories of the land that defied reality, where what one imagined became tangible, livable. One lazy summer day, as she sat on her front stoop, blowing bubble after bubble off of a little wand, Adelina noticed that each bubble, when it caught the light just right, was encased in a miniature rainbow of colors, more color than she had seen in her entire life. She wished then that the entire world were as vivid and captivating as that one simple bubble was. Like that, what were simply thoughts and stories, become reality. That bubble grew, captured Adelina, and floated off into parts unknown, to an imaginary land called Oz, where the trees were the color of emerald and the sky sapphire blue. She had never seen anything so awe-inspiring in her entire life.
Unordinary Umbrellas, 2014 Stephen and Isaiah were at a garage sale together, rummaging through an old bin of various odds and ends labeled "Caution: Contents may be unstable." Laughing at the absurdity of old watches, figurines, and teddy bears being considered "unstable," the boys slid two umbrellas from the box, neatly brandishing them like swords and pretending to stab each other with the tips. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, squeaked a small, cautious voice. They turned to face an elderly woman stooped over a cane with a knowing grimace. "I've seen this happen one too many times before. What ever you do, don't open those umbrellas." With that, she hobbled off to tend to a customer. Isaiah turned to Stephen and scoffed. "Weird. I thought that rule only applied to when we were inside." Stephen laughed, shrugging. They both pushed open the umbrellas, revealing delicate, white canopies spreading a good five feet. As they did this, the boys began to ascend slowly into the sky.

This project has allowed me to think beyond the mundane and the realistic and venture into the world of surrealism. I am no longer under the impression that I am limited by what is physically possible or what "makes sense." Photos are not simply snapshots, they are stories and a reflection of ones passion and imagination.

Emma Zahner
Student Photographer Sparta Township, NJ