Happy Campers, 2005 This photo was taken during the summer of 2005 at a state park in St. Louis, Missouri. Pictured are myself and my sister, at ages five and two respectively.
A Family Tradition, 2014 camera settings: Exposure: 1/60 sec, f/18, ISO 400 shot in RAW
A Family Tradition, 2014 Edits in photo: cooling filter channel mixer- red 58% brightness: 109 contrast: -5 vibrance (2 different layers)-: 37, -11 highlights: 32
Family Recreation

When retaking the photo, I discovered that it is difficult to mimic the exact lighting in the original with the recreation, due to both time of day and time of year(the original was taken during the summer, the recreation during the fall.) Also, both my sister and I have grown considerably in the time between when both photos were shot, making the exact positions hard to recreate in the same sized space. The exact facial expressions are the hardest to recreate, as they are unique to the situation and your reaction at the time.

Emma Zahner
Student Photographer Sparta Township, NJ