When somebody goes in for sports seriously, he learns the proverb “No pain – no gain”. With Stimol pain stops being an indication of toughness. Production - NEW FOLDER (Romania). Luerzers Archive, vol. 1 - 2014 -http://us.luerzersarchive.net/olaru-emilian.html?a=186826 Ads Of The World - http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/stimol_the_crown_of_thorns Best Ads - http://www.bestadsontv.com/search.php?q=stimol
When somebody goes in for sports seriously, he learns the proverb “No pain – no gain”. With Stimol pain stops being an indication of toughness. Production - NEW FOLDER (Romania). Luerzers Archive, vol. 1 - 2014 - http://us.luerzersarchive.net/olaru-emilian.html?a=186826 Ads Of The World - http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/stimol_the_arrows Best Ads - http://www.bestadsontv.com/search.php?q=stimol
Real dream is always great. Dreams ought to be realized. Bank products help people cash in their dreams before dreams slip away. Production - NEW FOLDER (Romania). Ads Of The World - http://adsoftheworld.com/media/outdoor/credit_bank_of_moscow_the_flying_ship_of_a_dream
Real dream is always great. Dreams ought to be realized. Bank products help people cash in their dreams before dreams slip away. Production - NEW FOLDER (Romania). Ads Of The World - http://adsoftheworld.com/media/outdoor/credit_bank_of_moscow_the_flying_island_of_a_dream
Honda - New Hornet. Production - Carioca.
Honda CBR 600 RR (the fastest motorbike from Honda).
Honda CBR 600 RR (the fastest motorbike from Honda).
30% discount for 15 Honda models. Production - Carioca.
ATV - Motor bike feeling on four wheels. Production - Carioca (Romania).
Honda CBF 500 & 600 - for beginners
Honda CBR 125 R - for teenagers - photo - Carioca
Pro FM radio - autumn campaign
A new prize contest for dealers
Volvo - Merry Christmas (poster)
Toni Alexe - (1969 - 2005) - photo - Carioca
The flag - self promo
Story magazine - photo Carioca
World MasterCard Black Edition
World MasterCard Black Edition
World MasterCard Black Edition
MasterCard Express
MasterCard Express
print ads
Freelance, Full-time
Emilian Olaru
Art - Director / Freelancer Paris, France