Sephora details
fixture plan
store front
beauty station
store 1
store 2
Sephora Store Concept

CONCEPT: The concept of this space is to bring old Hollywood glamour to a modern cosmetics atmosphere. The goal is to mesh traditional aspects of beauty and vanity with sleek and modern features. This is done in various ways including the lighting; which uses a mix of LED and current lighting techniques paired with high glamour chandeliers and pendants. The Sephora brand color scheme was implemented through high lacquer and glossy materials with an added touch of ivory for a slight antiqueness. The focus of the store is to create a space that is sleek, balanced and open and does not distract from the products. The fixtures and built-in elements are all rounded to create better ease of floor traffic and a smooth flow throughout the space. The storefront is completely open, luring people in and promoting continuous traffic. The design exudes beauty and red carpet appeal; making every customer feel truly glamorous.