Water balloon, 2013. I used a shutter speed in sport mode and an automatic ISO. To edit this photo I applied a multiply layer style and edited the contrast, brightness, and curves. I also cropped the photo.
Water Balloon, 2013. This image was taken in sport mode with an automatic ISO. To edit this image I used the clone stamp tool and the crop tool. I adjusted the curves and contrast on the photo. I also added the ink outlines filter.
Ball of Light, 2013. For this image I took my picture in "Night scenery" mode. It had a shutter speed of eight seconds and an automatic ISO. I applied curves, contrast, chrome filter, the crop tool, and clone stamp tool.
Ball of Light, 2013. (extra credit) This image was captured in night scenery mode, which has a shutter speed of 8 seconds and an automatic ISO. In this image I edited the curves and contrast, used the clone stamp tool, and paint bucket tool. I used the magic wand selection tool and glowing edges filter.
Light Collage, 2013. I applied eight different light drawings to create my collage. I applied the magic wand selection tool, quick selection tool, rectangular marquee tool to create the collage. I applied the stamp filter to the water balloon background. On my "H" I applied a drop shadow. I applied an outer gradient to my "L" creating stripes. I used the transform command on the balls of light in the image and the pink slashes of light. To change the color on the balls of light, letters, and slashes I used the paint bucket tool.
Light Collage, 2013. This photo was a collage of 4 different photos repeated to create a rorschach test style collage. I just made this for fun.
Shutter Speed

Fast shutter speed is when the amount of time the shutter of a camera stays open is very short. This can range from 1/5000 of a second to roughly 1/250 of a second. Slow shutter speed is when the shutter stays open for a long time. This often requires a tripod and can range from 1/60th second to "bulb" where the photographer manually keeps open the shutter for as long as they want. Shutter speed is part of the exposure triangle along with ISO and aperture. The dimmer the light, the longer the shutter needs to stay open to collect an image.

Emily Johnson
Photography Student New York, NY