Unity, 2013. This photograph represents unity because the clouds and sky (parts) equal the whole of the image, and the picture would not be the same if a part was missing. To edit this photo I increased brightness and contrast, used curves, and color balance.
Balance, 2013. This image represents balance because the trees and their reflections in the lake have equal weight and give the image stability. To edit this picture I increased brightness and contrast, vibrance, used the clone stamp tool, curves, and hue/saturation.
Emphasis, 2013. This image shows emphasis because the red colored tree stands out from the surroundings trees, drawing the viewer's eye to it. To edit this photo I used brightness/contrast, color balance, and vibrance.
Contrast, 2013. This photo illustrates contrast because the sharp lines and geometric shapes of the church contrast the organic shape of the clouds behind it. There is also contrast between the black and white elements of the church. To edit this photo I used curves, brightness/contrast, and color balance.
Movement, 2013. This photo shows movement because of the moving smoke rising from the candle. To edit this I increased brightness and contrast, used levels, curves, and black and white.
Pattern, 2013. This shows pattern because of the repetition of the lines on the fence. To edit this photo I used black and white, brightness/contrast, and curves.
Artist's Choice, 2013. This photo shows movement in the falling leaves, unity because if the leaves were removed the picture would be different, and contrast in the warm colors of the leaves and cool colors of the sky and trees. It also represents color in the leaves, sky, and trees and shape in the leaves and trees. To edit this photo I used curves, vibrance, hue/saturation, and color balance.
Artist's choice, 2013. This photo shows balance in the equal weight in the neck of the guitar and the base, and pattern in the repetition of the strings as well as the markings down the guitar. It shows the elements of value because it is black and white showing shades and highlights, and line because of the lines of the strings. To edit this photo I used brightness/contrast, curves, color balance, and black and white.
Principles of Design

Principles of Design
1. Unity
2. Balance
3. Emphasis
4. Contrast
5. Movement/rhythm
6. Pattern/repetition

Emily Johnson
Photography Student New York, NY