The examination of an existing vehicle such as the Mini Cooper has already been updated for a modern market, allowing the identification of key elements & features implemented from a previous design. It also demonstrates how a modern car design can interpret visual cues from an existing vehicle without destroying its original character.
The original HILLMAN IMP shown above has been used to identify appropriate visual cues such as the lights, grill, bumper, badge along with their positioning, size & shape.
The designed vehicle maintains the rigid form & shape of the original Hillman Imp, implemented onto a modern car design. The selection of appropriate visual cues from the existing brand car such as the lights, grill, bumper, badge along with their positioning, size & shape assists in determining the identity of the vehicle. The emphasis has been placed on the defining feature line along the side of the vehicle with a change in the vehicle shape allowing a change in tone. The three lines from the original Imp window corner have been maintained and modernized, adding character to the new concept design.

A modern concept re-design of the iconic HILLMAN IMP, designed to embrace the original brand values as well as implementing key features & elements from the existing vehicle design. Which has been achieved through the use of intial concept & development design sketches.

Elliot Mitchell
Elliot Mitchell Derby, United Kingdom