Tokyo Hotel - A design of frivolity and fantasy, exploiting the humor within the Tokyo culture, of such themes as ‘Hello Kitty’, Anime and an unashamed admiration for all things ‘over the top’. The building as an interior space is an exaggerated evolution of the Japanese screen, toying with the notions of transparency through the ‘polka-dotted’ windows of varying sizes cut into these screen.
Tokyo Hotel Section - The ‘Polka-dot’ along with the building itself can be loved and hated, and varys dependent on individual taste, however there is no denying that this building would ever go unnoticed as an exciting element to the Tokyo city landscape.
James Brown's Penthouse - "The Super Bad Bachelor Pad"
James Brown's Penthouse - "The Super Bad Bachelor Pad"
Gallery Space - Gallery Space for Local Artist Hany Armanious. WINNER: University of New South Wales, Bachelor of Interior Architecture, Mid Year Exhibition, 2nd Year