HoReCa toolkit - interior illuminating objects, first sketch
HoReCa toolkit - interior illuminating totem and pillar, first sketch
HoReCa toolkit - interior 2nd POS, candle holder and generic table objects, seccond sketch
HoReCa toolkit - table candle holder, seccond sketch
HoReCa toolkit - table candle holder, first sketch
HoReCa toolkit - table candle holder, first sketch
HoReCa toolkit - interior generic table objects, first sketch
HoReCa toolkit - interior 2nd POS final sketch
HoReCa toolkit - interior illuminated pillar, first sketch
HoReCa toolkit - interior illuminated bar table, first sketch
HoReCa toolkit - interior illuminated bottle cooler, totem and modular sits, first sketch
HoReCa toolkit - interior illuminated generic object and pillar, first sketch
HoReCa toolkit - gift box, first sketch
HoReCa toolkit - gift box, final sketch
HoReCa toolkit - gift box, seccond sketch
vogue - HoReCa toolkit objects - sketches level
ELENA Ivanescu
art director/ ilustrator/ web and UI designer București, Romania