kent toolkit 2009 - horeca TFT game- game structure and illustration for frame 1
kent toolkit 2009 - horeca TFT game - game structure and illustration for frame 2
kent toolkit 2009 - horeca TFT game game structure and illustration for frame 3
kent toolkit 2009 - horeca TFT game game structure and story board
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kent toolkit 2009 - shelf strip with optic fiber
kent toolkit 2009 - shelf strip
kent toolkit 2009 - electronic display - shelf strip
kent toolkit 2009 - extreme landscape declination of the main visual
kent toolkit 2009 - extreme potrait declination of the main visual
kent toolkit 2009 - A4 poster declination of the main visual
kent toolkit 2009 - floor sticker 1
shop floor sticker
kent toolkit 2009 - transparent floor sticker 2
kent toolkit 2009 - floor sticker
kent toolkit 2009 - shop assistent uniform
shelf strip
shelf strip
Nanotek visual last version
Nanotek visual - intermediate version
Nanotek visual first version
Nanotek visual prop
Nanotek sticker 1
Nanotek sticker 2
Ogilvy - Kent ETR 2009
ELENA Ivanescu
art director/ ilustrator/ web and UI designer București, Romania