DRAFT FCB - Sobranie - updates DRAFT FCB - Sobranie - updates from ELENA Ivanescu DRAFT FCB - Sobranie - updates 5 oclock tea circular leaflet for coffee activation 5o'clock tea t-cup pouch leaflet for coffee activation london map leaflet for trade london map leaflet for trade end page exceptional times news paper exceptional times news paper Q-r code card for website promotion voucher for club activation POSM with light minibrochure for travel timeline sliding campaign leaflet roll DM leaflet drink menu ice cream menu POSM POSM ash tray brunch invitation brunch invitation slides menu JTI internal newspaper spread JTI presentation JTI internal newspaper spread gLike DRAFT FCB - Sobranie - updates Art Direction Share R 7 n Available Full-time ELENA Ivanescu art director/ ilustrator/ web and UI designer București, Romania Follow Contact